April 17, 2024
New York



New York City
@ ADP's Sales Office: 1 Penn Plaza (Madison Square Garden)
Time: 9a-5p
Details: Creative Business Models for Accountants  consolidated into a 1 day workshop.

Hosted by Hector Garcia CPA and Carlos M. Garcia

At the heart of our conference lies the theme of CREATIVITY as a main source for value creation. Throughout the two days, we will delve into thought-provoking discussions on various topics, including:

“Subscribing to a Firm” vs. Providing Services: Discover new business models that redefine the way accountants engage with their clients, creating long-term value and sustainable growth.

Innovation through Ideas – Not Technology: Explore how creativity and fresh thinking can lead to breakthroughs in your practice, unleashing your true potential without solely relying on technology-driven solutions.

The power and value of your brand: Learn how to create a brand that customers will identify with and have utter loyalty towards.

The Place for Tech/AI in Our Future Business Models: Understand the evolving landscape of technology and artificial intelligence and how they can complement and enhance your business model, opening up exciting opportunities for innovation and efficiency.

For more information, email hector@garciacpa.com

Location: 2735 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75207 (ADP Dallas Office)
Time: 9a-4p
Other: Breakfast and Lunch Included (Provided by ADP)

Program Description:
Accounting to Consulting Academy is an introduction to Ed Kless’ Certified MetaConsultant program that aims to help accounting professionals with both the Whats and the Hows of how to turn your compliance-heavy practice into a consulting/advisory-driven practice, Essentially swapping the “A” from CAS, from Accounting to Advisory.

1) Module 1: Asking Better questions, the art of asking consultative questions that drive more advisory engagements by replacing advice with curiosity.
2) Module 2: Dealing with resistance to change, how to work with your customers through the real reasons why they do not make a change even when they know they must do it
3) Module 3: Value creation, how accounting professionals create value via outcomes for those they serve, and how to price these outcomes (value-based pricing, subscription, and beyond)
4) Module 4: Mindset, why you must first be a great consultant to YOURSELF, before working with customers in this capacity.  Making the "mind shift"

Early Bird No longer available

For more information, email :hector@garciacpa.com

Other Locations

Coming Soon!